Monday, March 23, 2015

5 Mobile App Ecommerce Strategies for 2015

Online retailers that pinpoint the attention of a mobile app strategy may be struggling to decide how to get an app working and what that app should do.

Mobile marketing and mobile apps are becoming increasingly important for online and multichannel stores. Analyze that in the US, customers pay about 15 hrs a week researching products on a mobile device, and about 93% of owners that research a product from a mobile device will ultimately make a purchase.

With the rise of mobile, commerce businesses may be receiving calls and emails from firms offering to design and create apps. Some of these leads will, no doubt, be from well-known companies that provide services that may really help an ecommerce business raise. But some of these leads will come from people just trying to turn a fast buck with a shoddy product.

The bottom line is that retailers, jointly online and multichannel, have three primary plans to employ for producing and distributing a mobile app. They can create formal native apps, use HTML5 and JavaScript with a package or select not to have an app and focus on the mobile web instead.

1. Build a Native App

In the mobile app setting, the label native app normally describes an application that is written in the operating system’s native programming language. For sampling, an Androidapp would be build in the Java programming language and a native iPhone or iPad app would normally build in the Objective-C language. There are some differences, but generally this is true of native mobile apps.

From the retail and marketing point of view this system, that if you select to generative native mobile applications, you will need to have the app written more than once. The objects and features of your Android, Windows, or iOS app strength be the same, but the guidelines that the mobile device follows (the computer code) will be different — perhaps vastly different.

Native apps, however, may work better, process faster, and have better connection to phone features like cameras, speakers, Os updating or similar. Many native applications also do a better job of following OS conventions, such as attitude and actions that the user expects.

2. Use HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript

Together HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript are the web stack — i.e., the markup and languages that are behind almost everything done in a web browser. And, it points out, they can also be used to develop mobile applications that may be included in native application stores and loaded on mobile devices just like native applications.

Working with HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript for developing mobile applications offers two basic advantages over producing native applications.

First, HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript developers are more generic and usually economical. Put another way, many more peoples know how to program HTML5 than know how to write Objective-C.
Second HTML5 mobile apps may be delivered to nearly any mobile device, in any case of OS, with only minor changes to the program significations that the app only really needs to be written once.

3. Focus on the Mobile Web

A few ecommerce businesses may select not to have a mobile applications at all, focusing instead on a mobile optimized website.Google, as an example, reported that about 74 percent of American shoppers using mobile devices start with search. That is they open Google or Yahoo in a mobile web browser and look for mobile sites, shopping, banking etc.

Actually the usual mobile-device using shopper visits six retail sites a week.
With this in mind, for all online sellers (E-commerce store) having a mobile optimized website should come before worrying about a mobile app.Remember making a conscience selection not to do a bit right now is still a mobile app strategy.

4. mobile-friendly websites in search results

Starting April 21, we will be raising our use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal. This modification will involve mobile searches in all languages worldwide and will have a major impact in our search results. Therefore, users will find it easier to get related, high quality search results that are optimized for their devices.

To create a mobile-friendly site, check out Google webmaster mobile-friendly guide toturials.

1. Check Mobile-Friendly Test to all your site inner pages.

2. Check your Webmaster Tools to get a full list of mobile usability issues across your site using the Mobile Usability Report.

5. Mobile Site URLs

Google bots may also need a hand if you use separate URLs for your mobile site (i.e. To make sure search engines can distinguish between the mobile and desktop versions of a particular page, add the following tags to the <head> section of your web pages.

1. Insert canonical tags to mobile URLs that point out the desktop version of the URL as the canonical.

Ex:  Insert the following tag to the <head> section of
<link rel=”canonical” href=””>

2. Insert alternate tags to desktop URLs that specify the mobile version of the URL as the alternate.

Ex:  Insert the following tag to the <head> section of
<link rel=”alternate” media=”only screen and (max-width: 640px)” href=””>

At Ascenteq we are experienced in creating Mobile friendly website design at affordable price. We are created more then 45 mobile friendly site to know more pls visit

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